image-left Benjamin H Good, PhD
Assistant Professor of Applied Physics
Stanford University
S244 Clark Center | 650-497-2575
Curriculum vitae

image-left Avaneesh Narla, PhD
Stanford Science Fellow
Avaneesh is a Stanford Science Fellow hosted by the Good and Fisher Labs. He is broadly interested in the dynamic adaptation of biological collectives. He is doing this in the context of microbial communities adapting to dynamic resource environments by studying the interplay of ecology and evolution, and in the context of social insects by studying collective behavior and decision-making in response to environmental changes.
avnarla [at]

image-left Jaime Lopez, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Jaime is a postdoctoral fellow in the Good and Huang Labs. They carried out their PhD with Ned Wingreen and Mohamed Donia at Princeton, where they studied interactions between microbial communities and the chemical environments they inhabit. Jaime’s current research focuses on the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of bacteriophage in the human gut microbiota.
jglopez [at]

image-left Daniel Wong
Graduate student in Applied Physics
Daniel received his B.A. in Physics from Williams College in 2017. He is currently investigating how interference between linked mutations impacts ecological diversification in evolving resource competition models. He is also developing tools for inferring short-term evolutionary forces in vivo using barcoded lineage tracking data.
dpwong [at]

image-left Zhiru Liu
Graduate student in Applied Physics
Zhiru received his B.S. in Engineering Physics and Mathematics & Computer Science from UIUC in 2019. He is currently investigating the population genetics of ongoing bacterial recombination using metagenomic data from the human gut microbiome.
zhiru [at]

Personal website

image-left Anastasia Lyulina
Graduate student in Biology
Anastasia is a graduate student in the Good and Petrov labs. She received her B.S. in Physics from Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2017, and worked as research assistant in Fyodor Kondrashov’s Evolutionary Genomics Group from 2017-2020. Anastasia’s current work focuses on the patterns of genetic diversity that arise during selective sweeps.
alyulina [at]

image-left Olivia Ghosh
Graduate student in Physics
Olivia is a graduate student in the Good and Petrov labs. She received her Bachelors degree in Physics from Columbia University in 2019. Olivia is currently investigating how spatial structure influences the short-term evolution of the gut microbiota.
omghosh [at]

image-left James Ferrare
Graduate student in Biophysics
James received his B.S. in International Development, Mathematics, and Physics and M.S. in Physics from Tulane University in 2018. He is currently investigating how large microbial populations select for mutations that alter their local fitness landscape.
jferrare [at]

image-left Sophie Walton
Graduate student in Biophysics
Sophie is a graduate student in the Good and Petrov labs. She received her B.S. in Bioengineering with a minor in Information and Data Science from Caltech in 2020. Sophie is currently developing methods for measuring ecological and evolutionary dynamics in longitudinally sampled metagenomes from the rumen microbiome and the human gut.
swalton [at]

Personal website

image-left John McEnany
Graduate student in Biophysics
John received his B.A in Physics from Princeton University in 2021. He is currently developing theory for predicting the initial steps of evolution in large, randomly assembled microbial communities.
jmcenany [at]

image-left Serena Debesai
Undergraduate student in Physics
Serena is a senior studying Math and Physics at Stanford. She is currently studying how migration and environmental variability maintain ecological diversity in metapopulations.
sdebesai [at]

Friends of the lab

image-left Katherine Xue, PhD
JSMF Postdoctoral Fellow, Relman and Petrov labs
Katherine is collaborating with the Good lab to investigate within-host evolution and household transmission in the human gut microbiome.
kxue [at]


Caroline Van, Undergraduate Bio-X Fellow, Summer 2021.
Liana Merk, Undergraduate SURF Fellow, Summer 2020.
Layton Rosenfeld, Undergraduate Bio-X Fellow, Summer 2020.